" Every person is born on a different date, different time, different place and has a different sun sign, then how can Vastu give the same results for all? Vastu considers every user as same and suggests same measures for making buildings for all.
We should go deeper and do an astrological analysis of the owner's birth chart and link it with Vastu.
This Astrology - Vastu analysis increases the chance of getting desired results from building and proves beneficial for the owner "
We should go deeper and do an astrological analysis of the owner's birth chart and link it with Vastu.
This Astrology - Vastu analysis increases the chance of getting desired results from building and proves beneficial for the owner "
Vastu is a balance of the 5 elements (earth, water, space, air and fire) which, when laid in proportion and exact ratio generates positive Bio electric energy that bestows health, wealth, comforts and prosperity in natives.
Astrology in its broadest sense is the study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.
When Astrology and Vastu are combined and applied, it becomes Astrology-Vastu and helps one in having own favorable personal space for the overall success and growth of native.
The Astrology Vastu analysis works on three parameters - The Individual Horoscope, Vastu Principles and the auspicious time or Muhurata.
There is a deep connection between Astrology and Vastu. Vastu Talks about favorable Directions and in Astrology planets, houses and signs also have favorable directions. For ex, Sun favors east, Saturn favors west, Sign Aries favors east, Sign Virgo favors South, Ascendant signifies east direction, 10th house signifies North direction and so on.
The correlation of Vastu and Astrology signifies each direction has a different impact on different person. For ex. as per Vastu principles East direction in general is a beneficial direction, but it may not prove beneficial for the individual born with Capricorn ascendant. Similarly North West Direction is considered good for storing grains, but it might not turn suitable for people born with the Libra Moon sign.
In Astrology Vastu Analysis these things and many others are checked from an individual’s horoscope. Personal Vastu should match with horoscope of an individual for enhancing prosperity in life .Principles of Vastu can improve situations, but ASTROLOGY - VASTU can totally enhance it for contending and prosperous life.
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Astrology in its broadest sense is the study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs.
When Astrology and Vastu are combined and applied, it becomes Astrology-Vastu and helps one in having own favorable personal space for the overall success and growth of native.
The Astrology Vastu analysis works on three parameters - The Individual Horoscope, Vastu Principles and the auspicious time or Muhurata.
There is a deep connection between Astrology and Vastu. Vastu Talks about favorable Directions and in Astrology planets, houses and signs also have favorable directions. For ex, Sun favors east, Saturn favors west, Sign Aries favors east, Sign Virgo favors South, Ascendant signifies east direction, 10th house signifies North direction and so on.
The correlation of Vastu and Astrology signifies each direction has a different impact on different person. For ex. as per Vastu principles East direction in general is a beneficial direction, but it may not prove beneficial for the individual born with Capricorn ascendant. Similarly North West Direction is considered good for storing grains, but it might not turn suitable for people born with the Libra Moon sign.
In Astrology Vastu Analysis these things and many others are checked from an individual’s horoscope. Personal Vastu should match with horoscope of an individual for enhancing prosperity in life .Principles of Vastu can improve situations, but ASTROLOGY - VASTU can totally enhance it for contending and prosperous life.
Do you wish to get Astrology - Vastu analysis report for your building? If yes, fill form below
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